If you have experienced any of the symptoms mentioned in this article, you might be considering seeking a diagnosis for liver cancer. Luckily, there are several different types of diagnostic tests available to help identify the disease, which can vary in their intensity. Read on to learn more about the most common symptoms of liver cancer and what they mean. Also, find out if there are any early warning signs that you should look out for. Listed below are a few of the most common tests.
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If you think you’re experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, it is important to see your doctor immediately. Liver cancer can cause some uncomfortable side effects, including bleeding and pain. The pain you’re experiencing is not necessarily indicative of cancer, but it may be an indicator that your cancer has spread. It’s important to discuss the symptoms you’re experiencing with your health care team and learn about treatments that can help. Many patients may not experience any of these symptoms until the disease has spread to other organs.
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In addition to pain and swelling, patients may experience changes in mood, portal hypertension, and bleeding. Symptoms of liver cancer may mimic symptoms of other conditions, so it’s important to seek medical treatment as soon as you notice any changes. Several other common signs include elevated pulse, fever, and rash. If you experience any of these symptoms, be sure to see your physician. It is important to remember that liver cancer symptoms often appear only after the disease has spread to other organs.
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There are several ways to detect the disease if you have any of the risk factors listed above. One of these ways is by performing a laparoscopy, a procedure that involves a small incision in the abdomen and the use of a small instrument called a laparoscope. Your doctor may take a tissue sample to look for signs of liver cancer. However, there are some risks associated with this test that you should be aware of.
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In addition to the above symptoms, liver cancer can cause bleeding. The liver is responsible for the production of clotting factors in your blood. If your blood does not contain sufficient clotting factors, you will suffer from bleeding. This can lead to anemia, which can cause symptoms such as pale skin, increased heart rate, and fatigue. Anemia may progress to internal hemorrhage, so it’s crucial to consult a physician if you notice any of these symptoms.
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Stages indicate how far the cancer has spread. Stage 1 of liver cancer is the earliest stage and usually involves multiple small tumors that have not yet spread to lymph nodes. Stage 2 may include tumors that are more than 5 cm in size and have already spread to nearby areas. Stage 3 includes cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes, bones, and lungs. Fortunately, there is still hope for early detection with surgery.
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In some cases, patients with symptoms of liver cancer may be treated with surgery or radiation therapy. A surgeon can perform surgery to remove the cancerous liver tissue. The surgeon must first determine the size and location of the tumor. If the cancer has spread to the liver, a surgeon can remove the tumor and any associated fatty tissue. Patients may also undergo chemotherapy drugs. This treatment has several possible side effects, and may only be appropriate for certain patients.
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During the initial visit to the doctor, you may notice some or all of these symptoms. A complete blood count will tell your doctor if you have any of these symptoms. Blood tests will show whether you have any abnormalities, and your doctor will also determine the cause of your symptoms. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor may also order diagnostic imaging scans. If the doctor suspects you may have liver cancer, an imaging scan will reveal the exact location of the tumor and whether it has spread to other areas of your body. A biopsy may also be necessary to determine the severity of the disease.
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Several different types of cancers affect the liver. Bile duct cancer is the most common. It starts in the cells that line the bile ducts. Bile ducts help in digestion. Depending on the type, cancer can be either intra or extra-hepatic. However, bile duct cancer is relatively rare, only affecting about 8,000 people in the US every year.