Early pancreatic cancer symptoms can be vague and vary from person to person, and many people do not experience any of them at all. The cancerous growth can be hidden behind various organs, making it difficult for health care providers to feel a tumor. Doctors use blood tests, imaging tests, and a physical exam to make a diagnosis. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek medical care as soon as possible. Symptoms can include weight loss, fatigue, and yellowing of the skin.
Patients suffering from pancreatic cancer often experience jaundice. This is an irritable yellow color that comes from the excess bilirubin in the blood. The cancerous growth blocks bile ducts, preventing bile from flowing from the gallbladder to the small intestine. People who experience jaundice also experience itchiness in their skin, dark urine, and clay-colored stools.
Stage 0 pancreatic cancer is called carcinoma in situ. In this type of cancer, abnormal cells in the pancreas develop and become cancerous. Cancer cells then begin to spread and may reach nearby organs, tissues, or lymph nodes. At stage IV, the cancer has spread to other organs or tissue. If this type of pancreatic cancer has spread to other parts of the body, it is called metastatic pancreatic cancer.
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While the symptoms of pancreatic cancer are not specific to pancreas, many people also experience pain in their backs. Back pain is an important symptom, but it can also be a sign of other diseases. Pain in the back is usually worse after meals. Symptoms of pancreatic cancer may include pain in the middle of the back and nausea and vomiting. Patients should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. This disease is often curable with treatment, but there is still a limited survival rate.
After undergoing surgery to remove the tumor, the digestive system will temporarily stop working. A patient will not be able to eat or drink right away, but they can gradually drink fluids and eat. In addition to pain medications, some patients may receive chemotherapy, which can slow the growth of the tumor and provide pain relief. Alcohol injection into the nerves in the abdominal region can stop pain signals from reaching the brain. Sometimes, pancreatic cancer can obstruct bowel function.
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Diarrhea and constipation are two other common symptoms of pancreatic cancer. Insufficient pancreatic enzymes will cause food to pass through the digestive system too quickly, resulting in malabsorption. The resulting food passes through the intestines undigested, and therefore is not digested. Pain medications can also slow the passage of food through the intestines. As a result, the stools will be hard and dry.
If you notice any of these symptoms, seek medical attention. While most early pancreatic cancers are asymptomatic, you should visit a doctor as soon as you suspect that you may have the disease. Most patients with this cancer will have yellow skin and eyes. Some will experience jaundice, a yellow color in the skin. Jaundice may also cause dark urine and stools. Itching may also occur. In severe cases, pancreatic cancer can lead to nausea and vomiting.
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