Although feeling down is a normal part of life, when those feelings become chronic, you could have depression. This condition interferes with the way you feel, think, and behave, and can keep you from enjoying life. It can also affect your work and study habits. For this reason, it’s important to visit a physician for a diagnosis.
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Studies have shown that people with certain conditions, such as chronic physical illness or substance abuse, are more prone to develop depression. However, even healthy individuals can experience depression. There are effective ways to treat depression. The first step is to consult with a mental health provider. Even though it can be difficult to admit that you have depression, there are many treatments available.
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The most common symptoms of depression are fatigue and sleep problems, as well as irritability and aggressiveness. These symptoms can affect anyone of any age. While men are more likely to experience these symptoms than women, postpartum depression affects one in seven women and one in six men. Depression is a major mental health problem, affecting one in six of us, but unfortunately, not everyone who has depression will seek treatment.
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Stress and life events can also trigger depression. For example, death of a loved one or the end of a relationship can increase the likelihood of developing depression. Other causes of depression include financial problems and chronic illnesses. Some people may also suffer from depression due to drug and alcohol use. The National Alcohol and Drug Hotline can help people who have been depressed.
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While a doctor can’t give you a definitive diagnosis of depression, they can suggest a treatment plan for you. Often, the treatment plan will include counseling. This is a type of therapy that involves both an individual and their family. The goal of counseling is to help you overcome your problems and develop coping skills. In some cases, complementary therapies such as massage, acupuncture, and biofeedback may be recommended.
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In addition to talking to a counselor, you can find support groups. These groups are an excellent way to find out what depression is and how to overcome it. In addition, self-help books are a great way to learn more about depression. Finding a new hobby or new career can help you overcome depression. Once you’ve found the right support group, you can also pursue different ways of coping with it.
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Depression is a serious illness and should be treated appropriately. One in five adults has symptoms of depression. This number is higher among adults who are 18 to 29 years old. However, people who are 65 years old or older are less likely to seek treatment for their condition. For women, depression is twice as common as men. Moreover, women report more severe symptoms and are more likely to experience past attempts at suicide. Furthermore, they are more likely to suffer from physical complaints, eating disorders, and anxiety.
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Whether your depression is a mild form or severe, it is important to find help right away. Fortunately, the National Suicide Prevention Hotline can be reached 24 hours a day. The hotline offers a live chat service and qualified counselors. If the problem is urgent, it is best to call 911. The first step to getting help is admitting that you’re suffering. It’s also important to seek the support of people close to you.
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The symptoms of depression are very complex and may vary from person to person. In general, people suffering from depression feel sad and hopeless. They may even experience difficulty concentrating or engaging in activities they used to love. The condition can interfere with work, social life, and relationships. Although these symptoms are often subtle and recognizable, they can help you identify the illness.
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Over time, people with depression may become irritable and snap at loved ones and strangers. They may become more withdrawn and isolated, and they may even think about suicide. They may also have heightened levels of anxiety or experience traumatic memories. Some people experience recurring nightmares that seem to come out of nowhere. In addition to these symptoms, people with depression experience a sense of emptiness and apathy.