If you are suffering from depression, you need to seek treatment as soon as possible. The American Psychiatric Association defines depression as a change in your daily functioning that lasts for at least two weeks. In addition, doctors will often run blood tests and urine tests to rule out other possible causes of depression, such as thyroid conditions or vitamin deficiencies.
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Depression is triggered by different factors, such as a life event, an illness, or a traumatic experience. The combination of these causes can create a downward spiral of events. For example, a relationship breakup can trigger a low mood, a reduced desire to socialize, and a higher intake of alcohol or recreational drugs. Ultimately, these events can lead to depression. In addition, research suggests that depression is more likely to occur as a person gets older.
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Many people experience symptoms of depression during their lives. If this happens, they may be unable to get out and socialize with their friends and family. They may also stop talking to loved ones. In addition, depression can be a complication of chronic diseases. Certain personality traits increase the risk of depression. Some of these traits are inherited or learned from childhood experiences.
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A healthcare provider can help diagnose depression through a careful physical and mental health check. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, a doctor may prescribe antidepressants and psychotherapy. Some people may also need a combination of both. In addition to the medical treatment, alternative medicine can be helpful in easing depression symptoms. Some complementary therapies include massage, acupuncture, hypnosis, and biofeedback.
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While women are more likely to develop depression than men, there is no age-specific pattern for adults with depression symptoms. In fact, women and men in the same age group were equally likely to experience mild or moderate depression symptoms. The most common age groups for experiencing moderate symptoms were 45-64 years old and adults aged 18-29 years old. However, the age group for experiencing severe symptoms was not statistically significant. The percentage of adults who suffered from depression symptoms was slightly lower than in adults aged 18-29.
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Depression symptoms can be triggered by a variety of life-changing events, including pregnancy and postpartum. In addition, those with a family history of depression are more likely to develop the condition. Depression treatment can include talking therapies, medication, and lifestyle changes. The level of treatment depends on the severity of the condition and the cause. In mild cases, lifestyle changes and self-help groups may be sufficient to relieve the symptoms.
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Those suffering from depression often experience low mood, low energy and a general lack of motivation. Their symptoms can worsen over time and interfere with their ability to work and maintain relationships. With the right diagnosis, treatment can help relieve the symptoms and improve the quality of life. Depending on the severity of the depression, these symptoms can last weeks or even months.
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Depression is a mental illness that affects the entire body. It affects sleeping patterns, eating habits, and self-esteem. Those suffering from depression can feel hopeless and suicidal. Although the signs of depression are difficult to recognize, it is important to seek help. Fortunately, most people recover completely from it.
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