If you think you’re suffering from depression, the first step is to visit a healthcare provider. This can be either your primary care provider or a mental health specialist. Your health care provider will ask questions and conduct lab tests to rule out other medical conditions that could cause your symptoms. If your symptoms are severe, your healthcare provider may recommend therapy or other measures.
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Doctors define different levels of depression, ranging from mild to severe. You can also have recurrent episodes of depression, which means that you have the same depression symptoms repeatedly. However, doctors will tell you that your current episode is mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the severity of your symptoms. Symptoms may last for a couple of weeks or even months.
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Depression is a treatable mental illness, and the vast majority of sufferers respond to treatment and gain relief from symptoms. To determine whether you have depression, a health care professional will interview you and perform a physical examination. They may also order blood tests and questionnaires to rule out underlying medical conditions that can cause depression.
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Other signs that you might be suffering from depression include persistent fatigue, loss of interest in daily activities, and a general feeling of sadness. Similarly, a person may experience changes in their appetite, difficulty sleeping, or a low self-esteem. They may also experience changes in their appearance, including hunched postures and listless eyes.
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In addition to medications, treatment for depression can be as simple as adjusting your lifestyle or joining a support group. By sharing your experiences with other people, you’ll feel better. And, therapy can give you the tools to treat your depression, encourage you to take action, and help you learn skills to prevent it from recurring.
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Stressful life events, such as the loss of a loved one, and financial problems are also factors that can contribute to depression. Other risk factors include a lack of support from friends and family, and chronic illnesses. Some people can be particularly susceptible to depression due to their high sensitivity to stress. Those with a low self-esteem may also be at an increased risk.
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If you’re worried that someone close to you is suffering from depression, talk to them. Your physician may be able to refer you to a mental health professional who can help you get a diagnosis. Mental health professionals will talk to you about your symptoms and ask about any medications you’re currently taking. If your depression is severe, your healthcare provider may suggest electroconvulsive therapy or other treatment options. In many cases, however, these treatment options can take months to take effect, so it’s important to seek professional help for your depression as soon as possible.
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Although the symptoms of depression can vary, a recent study found that almost one in ten adults will experience some symptoms of it in their lifetime. The symptoms can range from mild to severe. While many people have experienced depression at one time or another, some people will experience frequent episodes and severe depression for years at a time.
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Depression affects adults of all ages. However, it’s more common among younger adults, and is less likely to be diagnosed in older people, especially those with physical health problems. Moreover, depression is twice as common in women than in men. Women also tend to report more severe symptoms and more past attempts at suicide. Women are also more likely to experience eating disorders and anxiety disorders. It’s important to seek help as early as possible to prevent any further damage.
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The physical symptoms of depression include excessive sweating, changes in sleeping patterns, and irritability. Some people may also experience rage attacks, tremors, or changes in their body temperature. Additionally, people may feel tired all the time. They may not get enough sleep and may not be able to focus.
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The biological causes of depression are complex. Some factors contribute to the development of depression, including different brain chemicals, and family history. However, it can also be a result of medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism or certain medications. It’s important to recognize the difference between depression and grief. A person suffering from depression will often be unable to perform basic self-care activities due to a lack of energy.
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Psychotherapy can help people deal with their symptoms and get back on track. During these sessions, they can express their feelings and receive feedback. These sessions can be one-on-one or in groups. The length of therapy depends on the severity of the depression and on the type of therapy used. Medications are also very effective for managing depression symptoms. Combined with therapy, these treatments can help normalize the brain changes that are associated with depression.
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