If you are suffering from depression, the first step is to visit a doctor. Your doctor can test your symptoms and treat any underlying conditions. For example, a medical test will reveal if you have vitamin deficiencies or thyroid issues. A diagnosis of depression should be based on the length of symptoms, and the level of functioning. Symptoms must last for at least two weeks, and must represent a change in the patient’s behavior.
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Adults are more likely to experience depression symptoms than younger people. Symptoms tend to be milder in women than in men. In addition, the percentage of adults suffering from moderate depression symptoms increased with age. Among adults aged 45-64, the percentage was the highest, followed by adults aged 18-29 and 65+. However, the percentage of adults experiencing severe depression symptoms was not significantly different among these groups.
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Some people may be at risk of developing depression because of family history. Research shows that depression can run in families, although there is no single “depression gene.” Lifestyle factors, relationships, and coping strategies may influence one’s risk. In addition, one’s personality and early life experiences may contribute to depression.
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Depression is characterized by a low mood and loss of interest in activities. It can also manifest in a change in appetite and sleeping patterns, trouble concentrating, and thoughts of death. Although the symptoms of depression may differ from person to person, you should consult a medical professional if you suspect you may be experiencing them. The right treatment may include lifestyle changes, talk therapy, and medication.
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Your doctor may also run a series of tests. Those tests are not effective for a diagnosis, but can help rule out other medical conditions that may be causing your symptoms. In addition, your doctor may ask about your past health and if you’ve ever suffered from depression before. If you suspect you may be suffering from depression, it is important to seek help immediately.
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In order to get a diagnosis of depression, your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and your family’s mental health history. If the symptoms persist, he or she may prescribe antidepressant medications and psychotherapy. If you think you may be suffering from depression, your physician will also order some tests to rule out other conditions.
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The main symptom of depression is depressed mood. It affects your sleeping habits, eating habits, and thoughts about yourself. Although some people may think that depression is trivial, it is a real illness. If treated properly, most people will make a full recovery. Even if you experience the symptoms of depression, you don’t need to become suicidal.
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The causes of depression vary from person to person. Each person’s situation can be different, but the common factors that contribute to depression are generally genetic, environmental, and psychological. Understanding these factors will help you better manage your symptoms. When a person’s depression is severe, it may lead to self-harm, which is dangerous for their health. If you have any of these signs, it is important to seek treatment for depression.
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