If you experience depression symptoms, you should seek help from a doctor. Your health care provider will ask you some questions to determine the cause of your feelings and may order some tests to rule out other medical conditions. Your physician may suggest psychotherapy, medication, or alternative therapies to help you overcome your symptoms. Some of these therapies may include massage, acupuncture, biofeedback, and hypnosis.
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Symptoms of depression can arise from a number of causes, including traumatic life events and illnesses. For example, an unhappy relationship can lead to a low mood. Financial problems can also trigger feelings of hopelessness. Another common cause of depression is chronic illness. Chronic illnesses like diabetes and Parkinson’s disease can wreak havoc on a person’s health.
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Luckily, depression is one of the most treatable mental disorders, with 80%-90% of sufferers responding to treatment. Most people recover with a good treatment plan, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the symptoms, it may be time to seek professional help. During a depression evaluation, your health care professional will ask you about your symptoms, medications, and family history. Once the physician has a good idea of your medical history, he or she will refer you to a mental health professional who will evaluate your symptoms and determine if you need further treatment.
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The cause of depression can range from life-changing events to genetic factors. Research has shown that people with a family history of depression are more likely to develop the condition. Treatment can include lifestyle changes, talking therapies, and medication. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, a physician may suggest a combination of these treatments. If your depression is mild, treatment may only involve watching for signs and lifestyle changes. A self-help group can also help you cope with your symptoms.
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While depression can affect anyone, it’s especially common in women. Those suffering from depression may experience symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, anger, and reckless behavior. Some people also engage in substance abuse. In either case, if you suspect that you’re depressed, you should seek help right away. The sooner you start treatment, the faster you’ll recover from your depression.
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While there is no official test to diagnose depression, blood tests and lab tests can help your physician rule out other health problems. Physical symptoms of depression may include tears, loss of eye contact, and lethargy. Your physician may also ask you questions about your health history and whether you’ve suffered from depression before. This information is critical in determining the right treatment. There are no specific medications that cure depression. Your physician will discuss your medical history and the symptoms you’re experiencing to determine if they’re a good fit for you.
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Depression symptoms vary in severity and duration. For some, they are a normal part of low moods, while for others, they are a sign of serious depression. The more persistent and prolonged these symptoms are, the more likely you are suffering from depression. Other symptoms include feeling hopeless and unable to enjoy everyday activities.
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Depression affects the entire body and is not something that can be ignored. It can affect your sleep, eating habits, and overall health. It can be debilitating and even lead to suicide. If you suffer from depression, it’s important to seek help right away so that you can recover. You may be able to find a treatment that can help you feel better.
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