Depression is a condition in which a person feels sad and hopeless, and loses interest in their daily activities. Other symptoms include feelings of guilt and tiredness. People with depression also experience changes in appetite and sleep problems. They may also experience thoughts of death, and have difficulty concentrating. It is important to recognize the symptoms of depression to avoid the debilitating consequences. Fortunately, treatment for depression is available, including antidepressants and anxiolytics.
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To be diagnosed with depression, a person must have several symptoms for at least two weeks. These symptoms should represent a change in the person’s daily functioning, according to the American Psychiatric Association. In some cases, a doctor will also run a blood test or urine test to rule out other conditions, such as thyroid conditions or vitamin deficiencies.
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If a person experiences any of the symptoms of depression, it is important to visit a physician. This can be a primary care provider or a specialist in mental health. A mental health provider can rule out other conditions and suggest a treatment plan. The treatment will depend on the cause of the depression, the patient’s health history, and other factors.
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The causes of depression are diverse and may vary between individuals. For instance, a person may be depressed after a traumatic experience or illness. Other causes include a relationship breakup, which can trigger a “downward spiral” of events. These events can cause a person to feel low and unable to socialize. Moreover, some people are more likely to develop depression than others. Furthermore, a person’s genetics and early life experiences may increase the likelihood of developing depression.
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Depression symptoms are more prevalent in adults over forty-five. Similarly, women are more likely to experience mild or moderate symptoms than men. Symptoms of depression increase with age, although the age difference is not statistically significant. The majority of adults age thirty-four to forty-five are not experiencing any depression symptoms at all.
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Although depression is a disorder of the brain, its cause is not clear. Rather, it is a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. Studies show that depressive symptoms are linked to hormonal changes and brain chemical imbalances. However, some people develop depression because of a traumatic event.
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In addition to the physical symptoms, people suffering from depression can experience changes in their eating habits, sleeping habits, and their attitudes toward themselves. It is important to realize that this is a real illness and is not something to be ashamed of. Most individuals who suffer from depression will recover. The best way to deal with depression is to seek treatment.
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Although there is no official test for depression, it is important to seek help as soon as you notice the symptoms. Your GP may want to examine you and order blood and urine tests. He may also check for underlying physical conditions like an underactive thyroid. The physician may also ask you about any recent traumatic events. This way, a physician can determine if you have a more severe depression or another ailment.
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