Alzheimer’s disease symptoms may include memory loss, difficulty with everyday tasks, mood changes, and changes in behavior. Symptoms vary from person to person and can appear at any stage of the disease. However, there are certain signs to look out for, and they are usually more noticeable as the disease progresses.
In the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, symptoms are mild. The condition is also known as vascular dementia. It’s caused by damage to the brain. It is thought to be a result of deposits of beta-amyloid protein fragments in the brain. This causes a decrease in communication between nerve cells. It also causes the loss of nerve cells, which affects a person’s ability to carry out daily activities.
As the disease progresses, people begin to forget their names and other important facts. They may have trouble remembering the right words or numbers, and they may even substitute inappropriate words and phrases. They may also become irritable or angry. In addition, they may develop hallucinations or other symptoms of confusion.
In the later stages of Alzheimer’s, the language skills of the patient are significantly reduced or completely absent. Eventually, people with the disease will require a lot of help with day-to-day tasks, including eating, toileting, and using the toilet. They will also have more problems dealing with basic social activities such as sharing information, interacting with others, and learning new things. They will also be less aware of their surroundings.

Other symptoms of Alzheimer’s can include uncontrollable anger and anxiety. In addition, they may be confused about time, and they may need help finding their way to and from a particular location. In some cases, the patient may even get lost in their own neighborhood.
The disease also affects a person’s ability to take care of their own health. It is important to talk to the doctor about the symptoms you have. The physician can conduct tests and identify the cause. There are also medications approved by the FDA that can help treat the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. These drugs can prevent or slow the disease, and they may be beneficial to you and your family.
There are many common causes of death due to Alzheimer’s. One of the most serious is aspiration pneumonia, a condition where the person takes food or liquids into their lungs instead of through the mouth. This can lead to a number of other medical complications, including stroke and heart attack.
Some of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s are more obvious to those who are close to the patient. For example, they may have difficulty communicating with their children and other family members. They might misplace something or put it in an inappropriate place. They might also believe untrue things, such as that they’re being punished for something they didn’t do. They may also lose interest in their surroundings and their own lives.
There are many ways to make the day-to-day life of your loved one easier. In addition to providing emotional and physical comfort, you can create a safe and comfortable environment. You can do this by making sure that you avoid distractions, and by taking adequate rest between stimulating events.