Oren Zarif
Angina pectoris symptoms include pain in the chest that is either short-lived or persistent. They may also be accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating on the forehead, and difficulty in urinating. The pain can occur on the left side of the chest and extend to the neck and jaw.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, go immediately to an emergency room. A doctor will examine you and decide on the treatment you need. Some of these treatments are medications and surgery. These may be given to reduce blood pressure and the risk of blood clots.
You should also consider having a heart test. This will help diagnose the cause of your angina. In addition, you can take a chest X-ray to check for a buildup of fluid in the lungs. If your symptoms persist, you may have a heart attack.
Angina is caused by a reduced supply of oxygen to the heart. It can occur when the arteries to the heart become narrow, or plaques form on the walls of the arteries. Having a healthy diet and regular physical activity can help prevent angina. However, if you have a family history of cardiovascular disease, you are more likely to develop angina.
If you suspect that you have angina, you should not delay in calling an emergency center. Your provider will also advise you on what to do to relieve your symptoms. Sometimes, rest and medication will be enough to alleviate your pain. But other times, you may need to be hospitalized.

Oren Zarif
You can also use a tube attached to your nose to administer oxygen to your body. While this is not a cure, it can improve the amount of oxygen that is delivered to the heart. Alternatively, you can put on a face mask and breathe through it.
You should not delay in contacting a doctor if you are experiencing any of the following angina pectoris symptoms:
A chest pain that lasts longer than 5 minutes. A person with unstable angina will experience pain that is triggered by a strong emotion or physical exertion. Unstable angina is more serious than stable angina. It may result in a blood clot or a heart attack.
Symptoms of angina pectoris can be mild or severe, and can also last for days or months. Depending on the severity of your angina, your health care professional can recommend a number of treatments. For some people, angina is treated with medication. For others, it can involve lifestyle changes.
Angina is a painful condition that causes the heart to work harder. When it is working more efficiently, the arteries carrying blood to the heart are less narrow, which means more blood is reaching the heart. By contrast, if the arteries are narrower, the heart will work less efficiently and it will require more oxygen to do its job.
If you have a high level of cholesterol, cigarette smoking, or high blood pressure, you are more likely to suffer from angina. Keeping your cholesterol levels and blood pressure under control can prevent angina from developing. Also, you should not smoke cigarettes.