Anorexia nervosa is a mental disorder characterized by a distorted body image and a preoccupation with food. It is a serious illness that affects both men and women of all ages. The incidence of anorexia has risen steadily in the United States since the 1950s. Many factors, including genetics, environmental conditions and sociocultural practices, are believed to play a role in the development of anorexia. While there are no clear cures for the disease, the right treatment can help people live healthier and more rewarding lives.
Although there is no known cause, the risk of developing anorexia is increased in people who have a history of depression, stress, or emotional trauma. Those who are transgender may also be at higher risk of developing the disease. Eating disorders are often diagnosed in childhood, with the disorder becoming more severe during the teen years.
Treatment for anorexia can involve a multidisciplinary approach, including a therapist, physician, or dietitian. Patients may be hospitalized. They may also be prescribed medication. For example, antidepressants may be used to help treat the mood and anxiety symptoms that are commonly associated with anorexia. In addition to treatment, patients are encouraged to attend support groups. These groups can help to reduce stress and help people cope with returning to a normal weight.

Patients may become withdrawn and secretive, especially when they’re faced with a situation that requires their attention. Their lack of social involvement may lead them to become angry when they’re pressured. When someone tries to press them about their eating habits, they may deny the problem, make excuses, or get agitated. A person with anorexia can suffer from dehydration and electrolyte disturbances, which can be life-threatening. Some individuals with anorexia are at a higher risk for suicide. If a person has suicidal thoughts or behaviors, they should be immediately taken to the emergency room.
Anorexia is a serious disease, and its treatment can be difficult. In fact, it has the highest mortality rate of all mental health conditions. That’s because anorexia has physical symptoms that mirror those of starvation. Because of this, there are potentially life-threatening complications, including seizures, infections, heart problems, and electrolyte imbalances. Taking the correct steps can save a life.
Treatment for anorexia includes cognitive-behavioral therapy. This type of therapy focuses on changing thoughts and beliefs that lead to the development of anorexia. People who have anorexia often use food as a coping mechanism for a variety of negative emotions, such as anger, depression, shame, and self-esteem. Cognitive-behavioral therapy aims to teach patients how to change these thinking patterns and create a healthier body image.
Other treatments for anorexia include family therapy. The family’s involvement in the treatment is crucial, as it can help the patient move beyond the disorder and into a healthy relationship with food. During family therapy, members discuss conflicts within the family. Family members are encouraged to support the patient, and may offer guidance on how to improve the patient’s eating and social habits.