Often, people do not have any symptoms of high blood pressure until it has reached a more severe stage. This condition can lead to a variety of problems, including heart attack and stroke. It can also cause kidney disease. In addition, it can damage blood vessels.
People with high blood pressure should be monitored closely. If left untreated, it can cause damage to the heart and other organs, including the kidneys. It also increases the risk of stroke, heart failure, and early death.
People with high blood pressure should also make lifestyle changes to prevent further problems. These may include eating healthy, exercising regularly, and taking medicine. However, they may not be enough to lower the blood pressure.

High blood pressure is also a risk factor for other health conditions, including stroke, kidney disease, and diabetes. Doctors can also prescribe medicines to lower blood pressure. These medicines can be used to relax the blood vessels, lower blood volume, and remove excess salt.
People with high blood pressure should not stop taking their medicines without first consulting a physician. In some cases, medications may be changed to a different drug without negative side effects. A person with high blood pressure should have their blood pressure checked every couple of years. During this check, the doctor may look for other factors causing the high blood pressure.
Some people are genetically predisposed to hypertension. Other people develop it during pregnancy. During pregnancy, high blood pressure can affect the kidneys, placenta, and the baby. However, the condition usually goes away once the baby is born.