Brucellosis is a serious condition that can lead to long-term problems. It is caused by a type of bacteria known as Brucella melitensis and can cause infections of the spleen, hepatosplenomegaly (enlarged liver), and endocarditis (inflammation of the heart). Although rare, there are more than 100 cases of brucellosis each year in the United States. People who have had brucellosis are recommended to take antibiotics for at least six weeks after the initial infection. However, symptoms may persist even after treatment.
Brucellosis is often found in people who have been exposed to animals. These include shepherds, butchers, veterinarians, and meat-packing employees. The bacteria spreads through contact with the skin or mucous membranes. Symptoms usually start with a high fever. They may also appear in the form of flu-like symptoms, headaches, fatigue, weight loss, and irritability. If these symptoms continue, it is important to see a doctor.
Usually, people who have brucellosis have a fever and other flu-like symptoms, but the severity of these symptoms varies depending on the species of the bacterium that caused the infection. Brucellosis can be asymptomatic or accompanied by symptoms such as pain, swelling, or bleeding. In addition, the disease can cause serious complications, such as encephalitis or meningitis.
Because brucellosis is rarely transmitted from person to person, it is very rare for people to be infected. However, it can be acquired through direct contact with an infected animal, through the blood of an infected animal, or by ingesting products or foods that contain the bacteria. Other ways of getting infected are through a blood transfusion or tissue transplant.

There are no vaccines available for humans, and the only way to protect yourself from brucellosis is to avoid direct contact with animals. Some prevention methods include taking antibiotics, wearing protective clothing, and avoiding raw meat and unpasteurized dairy products. Another prevention method is to wear a hat and a mask when working with animals.
Because brucellosis causes inflammation of the testicles and spleen, it can cause severe, painful swelling and pain. Additionally, it can cause arthritis, which can result in stiffness and weakness.
Acute brucellosis can be treated with antibiotics, which are usually a combination of doxycycline and rifampin. Typically, a course of antibiotics lasts for six to eight weeks. However, it is not uncommon for the disease to recur after this time period. Taking the antibiotics in the correct order is a good idea. You can also use steroid medications if your symptoms are too severe.
Chronic brucellosis is a serious, life-threatening condition. Patients may experience symptoms such as myalgia, hepatosplenomegaly, and excessive sweating. The disease can also cause epididymo-orchitis, which is inflammation of the testicles and epididymis, resulting in pain and infertility.
The most common way to get brucellosis is to be exposed to infected animals. Those who work with livestock, such as veterinarians, butchers, and hunters, are at greater risk. During delivery, the mother can pass the infection on to the infant through breast feeding.