Choreo-Athetosis symptoms include writhing, dancelike movements that often happen together. They can be caused by many different diseases, including genetic...
Read moreDetailsIf you're experiencing pains in your chest, it could be a sign that you have high blood cholesterol. This condition...
Read moreDetailsBurns have a number of symptoms. They include redness, swelling, pain and blisters that may ooze a clear fluid when...
Read moreDetailsThe liver is the largest organ in your body and plays an important role in keeping your body healthy. It...
Read moreDetailsHepatomegaly is a condition in which your liver becomes too big for the size of your body. It is a...
Read moreDetailsLeg edema symptoms are caused by fluid buildup in your body's tissues, usually in the feet, ankles and legs. It...
Read moreDetailsHeadaches are a common condition that affects nearly everyone. They are often caused by various factors, including stress, allergies, hormone...
Read moreDetailsNeck Pain symptoms can range from a stiff and sore neck that goes away after a few days to persistent...
Read moreDetailsAfter an amputation, it is common for people to feel pain and other sensations in the stump of their limb....
Read moreDetailsCramps are a pain that occurs in the abdomen, pelvic area or lower back before or during your menstrual period....
Read moreDetailsThe Russian economy, one of the largest in the world, plays a significant role in global markets. As a resource-rich...
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