The esophagus is the tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach. When the inside lining of your esophagus becomes inflamed, you may have pain or difficulty swallowing. This is called esophagitis. The most common cause is acid reflux (gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD). Other causes include infection, some medications, and eating disorders such as bulimia.
The symptoms of oesophagitis include chest pain that rises into your throat and neck, burning or irritation in your throat and throat tissue, and trouble swallowing. A doctor can diagnose esophagitis by examining your throat and esophagus with an endoscope. He or she can also snip a small sample of the inside lining of your esophagus through an endoscope and look at it under a microscope. The sample can show evidence of esophagitis, including areas where the lining has worn away, such as erosions or ulcers. It can also show blisters or scarred tissue from infections.
In addition to identifying the cause of your oesophagitis, your doctor can help you control the symptoms with diet changes and medications. Medications to treat acid indigestion and reflux can reduce the amount of stomach acid that leaks into your esophagus. Anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB) and naproxen sodium (Aleve) can help with the pain. If you have a problem with GERD that does not improve with medication, surgery to stop acid from leaking into your esophagus can be recommended.

If your oesophagitis is caused by an infection, antibiotics such as tetracycline and doxycycline may be needed to clear the infection. Your doctor can also prescribe a pill that increases the amount of calcium in your blood, such as bisphosphonates (Fosamax and others), to help prevent esophageal bone damage.
A rare cause of oesophagitis is inflammation from the immune system. This is sometimes caused by a fungus, but can also be from other infections, such as herpes and HIV or AIDS. People with weakened immune systems due to illness or medications are at increased risk of getting this type of oesophagitis.
Another condition that can cause oesophagitis is visceral hypersensitivity. This is a sensory disorder that causes the oesophagus to respond abnormally to stimulation with stimuli that are not normally considered to be painful, such as distention, contraction, acid or other chemical agents and electrical. Several different medications can help with this condition, but the most recent treatment is a monoclonal antibody called dupilumab (Dupixent). This medication works by stopping your body’s production of inflammation-causing proteins. Your doctor can also recommend dietary changes and a trial of an elimination diet to help you identify which foods are the triggers for your oesophagitis.