Several factors can lead to depression. Some of these factors are genetic, while others are the result of physical ailments. People who are genetically predisposed to depression are nearly three times more likely to suffer from the condition than people who are not. Stress and childrearing styles may also play a role. However, the exact causes of depression remain unknown. The following are some possible causes of depression. Read on to learn more. Listed below are some of the leading factors that lead to depression.
Genetics play a role in depression. Women are more likely than men to develop depression. This may be due to the hormonal changes that occur in women during their reproductive years. Family history of depression has also been linked to a greater risk of developing depression. Genetics of depression are not as easy to determine as genetics of other conditions. Genetics and stress are known to influence the development of depression, but they are not the sole causes of the condition.
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A healthcare provider will ask you about your symptoms and may order tests to rule out other conditions. Exercise, enough sleep, and spending time with family members may help. Psychotherapy may also help. Therapy involves talking with a trained mental health professional about your feelings and helping you develop coping skills. While the symptoms of depression may improve slowly over time, it is important not to drink or take drugs, as these can worsen the problem. They may also have negative effects and lead to longer-term health problems.
Major illnesses can also cause depression. Traumatic experiences may also trigger depression. Some chronic conditions can exacerbate symptoms of the disorder, and the effects may include loss of control, death, and major illness. People who suffer from chronic illness are also at higher risk of developing depression, which may affect their ability to fight their chronic condition and to lead a normal life. Therefore, it is vital to seek help from a doctor as early as possible. The sooner you begin treatment, the better your chances of recovery and preventing future episodes.
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Although the medical community does not know exactly what causes depression, they are aware of the many factors that can trigger it. Treatments include psychotherapy, or talking therapy, which includes one-to-one counselling, cognitive behavioral therapy, and medication. During times of hormonal flux, women are particularly vulnerable to depression. Antidepressants may help, but it is important to remember that they are not habit-forming drugs. They have no stimulating effect on healthy individuals.
In addition to biological and environmental factors, social and cultural factors can increase the risk of depression in young people. Overprotective parenting and cultural changes are common contributing factors. For example, overprotective parenting can reduce the chances of free play, a key part of forming healthy social skills. Also, less time spent with friends and family can lead to depression. This can be a significant contributing factor in the onset of depression.
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