Although there is no specific physical test to diagnose depression, there are some symptoms that are common to people with the condition. These may include lethargy, lack of concentration, tearfulness, and difficulty maintaining eye contact. If these symptoms occur on a regular basis, you should seek help from a physician as soon as possible. Your doctor may ask about your health history and any recent traumas or events. He or she may also do a blood or urine test to rule out a medical problem such as thyroid disease.
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A health care provider can help diagnose depression by asking a series of questions about your health history. They may also order tests to rule out other medical conditions. Treatment options may include getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly. Additionally, a mental health professional can offer you counseling, which is a conversation with a mental health professional about your symptoms. In addition, complementary therapies like massage, acupuncture, hypnosis, and biofeedback can help treat depression and its symptoms.
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Stress is another major factor that can trigger depression. People with depression often experience feelings of sadness after a traumatic event, such as a death of a loved one. Other events that can lead to depression include being isolated from others and financial problems. People with depression can also experience feelings of hopelessness and sadness when dealing with chronic illness, such as cancer. Even a breakup in a relationship can cause depression. Researchers have found that the risk of depression increases with age. Furthermore, people who are easily overwhelmed are more likely to develop depression.
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People with depression are likely to experience changes in their appetites, weight, and sleep patterns. Additionally, they are more likely to become irritable and less able to regulate their emotions. They may even snap at people they care about. Furthermore, people with depression are more likely to experience physical problems like headaches, backaches, and muscle aches.
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In the United States, one in five adults reported experiencing symptoms of depression in the past two weeks. Of these adults, 11.5% reported experiencing mild, moderate, or severe symptoms. The rest of the population, however, reported experiencing only mild or minimal symptoms. Only 2% of those aged 65 or older had severe depression. So, it’s vital to recognize the warning signs of depression so that you can seek help. It’s never too late to seek treatment.
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A doctor can test you for depression and prescribe the right therapy. The American Psychiatric Association states that symptoms should be present for two weeks in order to be considered clinical depression. The symptoms of depression must be representative of a change in functioning. A doctor can also order blood tests and urine tests to rule out other health conditions, such as thyroid problems or vitamin deficiencies.
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In addition to symptoms of depression, people with depression also experience changes in appetite. In addition, they may experience sleep problems and difficulty concentrating. In some cases, depression can even lead to suicidal thoughts. Once diagnosed, the disease can be treated with antidepressants and anxiolytics. The signs of depression can vary, but most people who are experiencing them can benefit from professional help. When depression gets worse, it may even prevent them from working or interacting with others.
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Depression is a very common illness that interferes with a person’s everyday life. Its causes are still not understood, but it’s important to seek treatment when you notice symptoms. If left untreated, it can lead to suicidal ideas and can cause an individual to lose interest in activities.