Depression is a common condition and can have many physical symptoms. The most important thing to do in order to manage it is to seek help. Your regular physician can help you by testing your symptoms and possibly referring you to a mental health professional. They will also ask you questions about the symptoms you’re experiencing and whether you’re taking any medications.
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A variety of life events can lead to depression. Stress, the loss of a loved one, and major life changes can all increase the risk. Other risk factors include medical conditions such as cancer and diabetes. Recreational drugs and alcohol are also common causes of depression. People who are easily overwhelmed may also be more prone to the condition.
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Depression is a common mental illness that can make a person feel lethargic, unmotivated, and lack of interest in everyday activities. These symptoms can get worse over time and affect a person’s ability to work or maintain relationships. Fortunately, depression is treatable with the right diagnosis and treatment.
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Doctors classify depression symptoms in three categories: mild, moderate, and severe. Depression symptoms can last anywhere from a few days to more than six months. If you experience more than one episode, you may have a recurrent depressive disorder. A doctor will also run blood tests to rule out any thyroid or vitamin deficiencies.
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Depression affects a person’s ability to concentrate and make decisions. It can cause a person to lose interest in hobbies and other activities, and it can even impair a person’s desire for sex. Depression also affects their energy levels and they struggle to do basic chores. They may also have trouble making decisions and concentrating at work.
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A recent survey showed that one in five adults aged 18-29 experience moderate or severe depression symptoms in the past two weeks. The average number of individuals experiencing these symptoms varies greatly between age groups. The oldest adults are most likely to experience mild symptoms of depression, while people in the youngest age groups are the most likely to have severe symptoms.
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Many people do not receive a formal diagnosis of depression. However, if you are experiencing depression, your healthcare provider can recommend treatment options based on the symptoms you’re experiencing. A doctor may conduct tests to rule out other medical conditions or medications. After a proper diagnosis, a physician may recommend antidepressants or psychotherapy.
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Psychotherapy can help you cope with the symptoms of depression. It enables you to talk openly about your thoughts and feelings with a trained professional. The goal of therapy is to change certain patterns in your brain that may be contributing to your symptoms. Psychotherapy can be done individually or in groups. The length of therapy depends on the severity of your depression.
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There are several causes of depression. Some of these are physical, social, and biological. People with certain medical conditions are more likely to develop depression than others. Those with substance abuse issues are also more likely to suffer from depression. In addition, certain medications can cause depression symptoms. If you are suffering from any of these factors, it’s important to seek medical attention.
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Depression is one of the most treatable mental disorders, with effective treatment available. Approximately 80% of patients respond to treatment, and most gain relief of their symptoms. For effective treatment, a health care provider will perform a comprehensive evaluation including a physical examination and an interview. Blood tests may also be ordered to rule out any medical causes of depression.
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People with depression should engage in activities that make them feel good. Taking care of pets or a hobby can help them regain their sense of self. These activities will make them feel good and will improve their quality of life. It can also help to go for therapy. Therapy can give people the tools to deal with the symptoms of depression and can help them learn how to prevent the recurrence of depression.
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There are two types of depression. The first is primary depression, which usually runs in families. It is not triggered by a single event and tends to appear over time without apparent cause. It is more severe and more persistent than other forms of depression.
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