Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder that causes abnormal movements. It can occur at any age, but it is most common in children and mid-aged adults. The symptoms are varied, but can include dragging of a leg, uncontrollable blinking, abnormal postures, and muscle spasms.
Dystonia is often misdiagnosed. Because it can affect so many different body parts, a doctor may have to perform a variety of tests to confirm a diagnosis. Blood tests can check for toxins, infections, and other issues. A neurological exam can tell a doctor more about the condition and its causes. If dystonia is diagnosed, a specialist neurologist can develop a treatment plan. Some doctors also recommend a genetic test to see if a person has a genetic predisposition to the condition.
In some cases, a doctor will treat a person with dystonia with medications. These medications can be used to control muscle contractions and ease muscle pain. However, most drugs have side effects and require long-term use. They can help slow down the progress of dystonia, but they cannot cure it.
Another treatment option is surgery. Surgery can damage a small part of the nervous system, but it can be used to interrupt pathways that are responsible for the disease. For example, it can be used to cut nerves in the neck that lead to the muscles involved in spasms. Other surgeries can be used to interrupt pathways between the brain and the rest of the body.

Surgical treatment for dystonia can be considered when medications are not providing adequate relief or when symptoms are negatively impacting the quality of life of a patient. The mainstay of surgical treatments is deep brain stimulation. This is a procedure that involves drilling two small holes in the skull and implanting electrodes in the basal ganglia. An electric stimulus is then sent to the brain via a remote control. After a while, the therapy can be adjusted.
Patients can also try therapies such as meditation, yoga, and biofeedback. These therapies can help relax the muscles and ease the spasms that come with dystonia. Physical therapies can also be used in addition to other therapeutic methods.
Another option for treatment is acupuncture. While acupuncture has been known to be helpful in some cases, there is little evidence to suggest that it provides a permanent solution. One possible benefit of acupuncture is that it can ease muscle tension. Medications such as levodopa can also help with generalized dystonia.
A treatment plan for dystonia can include medication, physical therapy, and mental health support. In some cases, the patient will be advised to eat a healthy diet. Wearing safety equipment can also help. Many patients have found that stress reduction techniques can help reduce spasms.
Early signs of dystonia are generally mild. Symptoms typically appear in the hands or feet during the early stages of the disease. When they are more severe, they can be mistaken for symptoms of life-threatening medical emergencies.