The liver is the largest organ in your body and plays an important role in keeping your body healthy. It makes bile, which helps you digest food, and removes harmful substances from your blood. The liver also makes immune factors, which help your body fight infections.
Fatty Liver symptoms can occur in any person who has a build up of fat in the liver (steatosis). It is normal for the liver to contain a small amount of fat, but if the liver contains more than 10% of its weight as fat, it can cause problems.
A number of health conditions may increase the risk of fatty liver, including obesity, diabetes and high triglycerides/cholesterol levels in your blood. Your doctor should check your liver tests at least once a year, especially if you have a high cholesterol level or are overweight/obese.
Get your doctor’s advice to avoid alcohol, which can aggravate fatty liver disease. It is also a good idea to lose weight. You can do this by eat a low-fat diet, cut calories from your meals and exercise regularly.
Keep an eye on your cholesterol level – too much fat in the blood can lead to heart disease. If your cholesterol is too high, you should try to eat foods that are lower in fat, such as fresh fruit and vegetables. It is also a good idea to stop smoking and reduce your intake of alcohol.

Make sure you don’t have any other health problems that can affect the function of your liver. This can include hepatitis, certain cancers and other diseases that damage the liver. You should see your doctor if you have any signs or symptoms of liver disease, such as a lump in the back of your neck.
Don’t smoke – smoking is harmful to your liver. It can lead to serious complications, including cancer and cirrhosis. It is a good idea to stop smoking as soon as you can.
Have regular blood and urine tests for a range of blood chemicals, including liver enzymes and triglycerides. These tests are important for detecting if you have a fatty liver, as they can show whether your fat is in your liver cells or in your bloodstream.
Ask your doctor about new medications that might help to treat fatty liver, such as metformin, pioglitazone, rosiglitazone and betaine. These medicines may help to lower inflammation in your liver, a common cause of fatty liver disease.
Talk to your doctor about other medicines you are taking, such as over-the-counter drugs and dietary supplements. They can tell you if any of these medicines are toxic to your liver and if they should be taken with caution.
If you have a fatty liver, you should try to keep it from getting worse by losing weight, eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. It is a good idea to get your weight down to a BMI of 18.5-24.9, as this can reduce the number of fat deposits in your liver and improve the condition.