People with fibromyalgia may experience all-over aches and pains, which can resemble the effects of osteoarthritis or tendonitis. The pain is often sharp, throbbing, or persistent, and can be difficult to pinpoint. Depending on the location of the pain, it may be localized, widespread, or in any combination. Affected individuals often report a lack of energy for basic activities, such as household chores or socializing.
The pain can be intense and severe, and it can be accompanied by mood and memory problems. Symptoms can occur anytime, day or night, but they are typically worse during times of stress, such as physical activity, sleeping, or stressful situations. Fibromyalgia symptoms may persist for months or years before they disappear entirely. Treatment for fibromyalgia will depend on the location of the pain, and may involve various medications, psychological therapy, and exercise.
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Some common fibromyalgia symptoms include widespread pain, numbness, or tingling, sensitivity to light and noise, and difficulty concentrating. People with fibromyalgia often have difficulty sleeping and wake up fatigued. Additionally, fibromyalgia patients often experience sleep problems, such as restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea, or other sleeping disorders. These symptoms can also affect the patient’s mental health, affecting their ability to make decisions and perform daily activities.
Other fibromyalgia symptoms include stiffness, fatigue, and stress. Tender points are localized areas of the body that may be tender to touch. Even the slightest touch may result in pain. Doctors also ask about the patient’s level of activity, sleep patterns, and how much stress they are under. If the pain has lasted for at least three months, it’s time for a diagnosis.
Genetics and environment are also known risk factors. While genetic factors play a part in the development of fibromyalgia, environmental factors may also contribute. Inflammatory diseases and mental disorders, for example, may trigger the symptoms of fibromyalgia. So, if you have fibromyalgia, it’s important to seek a physician to determine if you have this condition.
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While undergoing physiotherapy for fibromyalgia may be challenging, you can find support through online forums and support groups. You should be critical of the treatments that you receive and only continue with them if they are helping your symptoms. Similarly, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help you manage your symptoms and find a balance between activity and rest. So, what are you waiting for? Don’t wait until your symptoms become unbearable and make an appointment today.
Fatigue is another symptom of fibromyalgia. Patients often complain of feeling tired or low energy, and it’s not uncommon for fatigue to be even worse than pain. Despite the discomfort, sleep can also be a problem for fibromyalgia patients, resulting in a poor night’s sleep and less energy in the day. But it’s important to note that fatigue can lead to depression, so it’s essential to get plenty of rest.
Women are more likely to develop fibromyalgia than men, although it can strike anyone. Women are twice as likely to have fibromyalgia as men, but men can also develop the disorder. It is still unclear what causes fibromyalgia, but scientists believe that certain genes are implicated. Patients with the disorder also have increased sensitivity to sound, heat, and light.
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