If you have trouble with bloating, you may have trapped gas in your stomach. This can cause you discomfort and even make your abdominal pain worse. Fortunately, there are several home remedies you can try to help relieve the bloating. You can also consult with a medical professional if the symptoms continue to bother you.
Intestinal gas is a normal occurrence for most people. It happens when bacteria in the intestines digest food. But when the number of bacteria is too high, a person can experience excessive gas production.
Intestinal gas is different from gas that comes from carbonated drinks. Gas from soda or other aerated beverages is produced by the digestive tract when it breaks down sugar and carbohydrates. The intestinal bacteria are not able to break down these types of foods easily, which causes excessive gas production.
Some people are sensitive to gluten. Gluten is a protein found in whole grains. People who are allergic to gluten can experience indigestion and diarrhea. Symptoms are similar to those of lactose intolerance, which is a problem with lactose-containing dairy products.
Certain foods can cause intestinal gas, including chocolate, peppermint, caffeine, fatty foods, and spicy foods. Avoiding these foods may alleviate your bloating. Taking probiotics, which are good for your digestive system, can also relieve the bloating. A doctor can recommend a prescription antibiotic if you’re suffering from an infection.

Burping can lead to an accumulation of gas in your stomach. It’s important to note that burping is not socially acceptable. Eating too quickly can also cause the swallowing of air, which can lead to trapped gas.
If you’re experiencing trapped gas, you should avoid cigarette smoking, which can aggravate the condition. Try eating slowly and chewing food well. Also, avoid drinking carbonated beverages. Keeping a food diary can help you identify the foods that contribute to your gas. Eliminating one item at a time will prevent you from experiencing a trapped gas bubble.
Bloating is not an easy problem to overcome. Several conditions can cause it, including celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). You should seek medical attention if the bloating becomes more severe, or if you’re worried about the possibility of a more serious underlying condition.
One of the most common reasons for bloating is a change in diet. It’s important to eliminate dietary sources of gas, such as fried foods, greasy or fatty foods, and alcohol. Getting plenty of exercise can also help your body break down food and relieve the pain of gas.
Having a detailed history of your symptoms can also help your physician diagnose a more serious problem. Depending on your particular circumstances, he or she may prescribe a prescription medication or suggest an elimination diet.
Bloating may be the result of a sensitivity to the food that you eat. However, you might also have a gastrointestinal problem, such as gastric emphysema, which is caused by intramural pressure. And if you are suffering from chronic indigestion, your physician might prescribe a prescription medication to treat your condition.