Symptoms of impetigo can be found on any part of the body, but it is most common in children. It is caused by a group of bacteria called Sulfamethoxin, which enters the body through insect bites or broken skin. The infection is usually mild and heals without scars, but some people may develop more serious forms of the disease. If you have a fever, see your doctor right away.
You can avoid getting impetigo if you maintain good personal hygiene. Wash your hands frequently and keep your nails short. You should also wash your clothes and linens daily to reduce the amount of bacteria on your skin. If you are exposed to someone who has impetigo, cover your mouth and nose with tissue to avoid passing the infection to others.
You should also avoid sharing clothing or linens. When you do have impetigo, you should stay home from school or preschool until the active infection has healed. You should also avoid swimming pools and hot tubs, as these environments can make the infection worse. You should also take your medications as prescribed.
If your impetigo is minor, you may be able to treat it with antibiotic ointment. You can also apply a Band-Aid. However, if the sores are large, you may need an oral antibiotic. You should ask your healthcare provider about the medication that is best for your type of impetigo. You should wear gloves when applying the antibiotic oint. After the oint has been applied, you should rinse it thoroughly.

It is important to know that impetigo is highly contagious. The bacteria that causes it is very common. Infections can be spread by direct skin-to-skin contact, such as during sporting events. The infection can also be spread by contact with items that have been touched by the infected person. If you have impetigo, you should not share towels, cloths, or other linens with anyone.
The first signs of impetigo are small, red, fluid-filled blisters that appear on the face or around the mouth. The pus and crust from these sores often ooze for a few days before they disappear. A doctor can determine whether or not you have impetigo by looking at the sores and analyzing the sample. You should also ask about how to prevent the disease from spreading.
You can treat impetigo by using an antibiotic ointment, which you can buy over the counter. There are several antibiotics that are available, including ozenoxacin (Xepi), mupirocin (Bactroban), retapamulin (Altabax), and clindamycin. You can also use an alcohol-based hand rub. You should not pick or scratch the sores, because this can spread the infection to other parts of the body.
Your doctor may want to culture the sores to identify the types of bacteria that are causing the disease. Once this is done, your doctor will be able to prescribe the appropriate antibiotics to treat your infection. The antibiotics will work to speed the healing process and help to prevent the infection from spreading.