Inflammatory breast cancer develops when cancer cells block the lymph vessels in the breast. Lymphatic vessels are hollow tubes in the body that drain excess tissue fluid. When they are blocked, the fluid builds up in the breast, which can cause the skin to become inflamed and red. This cancer has also been known to spread to other parts of the body, known as metastasis.
Early symptoms of IBC include persistent itching or irritation similar to an insect bite. The breast can become red and warm, and the skin may have a pitted appearance, similar to an orange peel. The nipples may also change. If any of these symptoms sound familiar, it is important to visit a doctor to make sure it is not a complication of another disease.

To determine if an individual has IBC, a biopsy must be performed. This involves removing tissue from the breast to be examined by a pathologist. A biopsy will show whether the cancer has spread to other organs. Early diagnosis can help limit the symptoms of the disease and improve quality of life.
Inflammatory breast cancer can be treated with chemotherapy. The goal of chemotherapy for breast cancer is to shrink the tumor so that the oncologist can remove more of it. Sometimes, hormone therapy or targeted therapy is used in combination with chemotherapy. In addition, radiation therapy is also an important part of treatment.