While there are no specific signs or symptoms for liver cancer, many people may exhibit some of them. For instance, they may feel a mass in the right upper quadrant of the abdominal area. The pain can be a sensation that is not related to food intake and can even radiate to the right back in women. Liver cancer symptoms are often accompanied by other conditions, such as fever or an elevated pulse. In some cases, patients may also experience other symptoms, including abdominal pain or nausea.
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When suspected, the doctor will perform tests to determine whether the symptoms are indicative of liver cancer. These tests can include a biopsy. A biopsy involves removing a sample of liver tissue from the affected area to be analyzed by a pathologist. MRI and ultrasound scans are also common screening tools. Other tests include angiogram, which helps healthcare providers examine the blood vessels in the liver. In angiogram, a dye is injected into an artery, which helps doctors observe blood vessel activity and blockages. Biopsies are also the most reliable way to diagnose liver cancer.
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There are two main types of primary liver cancer, which start in the cells of the liver. One type, called hepatocellular carcinoma, is the most common type, and affects approximately 85 percent of the population. In both cases, cancer cells begin in the liver but can spread to other areas of the body. Because the disease starts in the liver, doctors must find a diagnosis in the early stages. This is the first step in determining whether or not you are suffering from liver cancer.
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When a tumour develops in the liver, a surgeon may perform a liver transplant to remove it. In some cases, this type of transplant is used to control symptoms until a donor liver can be found. In many cases, a liver transplant is an effective treatment for liver cancer. A liver transplant requires that you have at least a single small tumour, but it can also be used in patients with several small tumors. For this procedure, you must be reasonably fit and free of drugs or alcohol for at least 6 months before the surgery. Unfortunately, the availability of donor livers is very rare. It can take months to find one suitable for transplant. Furthermore, the cancer can continue to grow during the waiting period.
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As with any type of cancer, the treatments for liver cancer vary according to the stage the cancer has reached. Stage 2 of liver cancer can be classified as having many small tumors in the liver or a single large one that has metastasized. Stage 3 and stage four of liver cancer involve the removal of a portion of the liver. Regardless of the type of treatment, the outlook for a patient with liver cancer depends on several factors, including their age, general health, and timing of the diagnosis. However, an early diagnosis can mean a cure, even though the cancer can recur.
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The symptoms of liver cancer may vary between individuals, so you should seek medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms. The signs may indicate another condition. Some of these symptoms may be a sign of liver cancer, such as chronic hepatitis. Some people with this disease do not experience any symptoms at all, and it may take several months or years for symptoms to emerge. If you notice any of these signs, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.
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The risk factors for developing this type of cancer include high-fat diet, obesity, and a family history of hepatitis. People with hepatitis B or C infection have an increased risk of developing liver cancer than people with African or Asian heritage. In the US, people with hepatitis C are more likely to have it than people with Black or white ancestry. Despite its high incidence, the disease is very treatable when detected early.
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For many patients, a diagnosis of liver cancer can feel overwhelming, and it’s important to seek support from others who can help you cope with your emotions. A cancer counselor can be a great help, and it can be helpful to join a cancer support group. Connecting with others who are going through similar experiences can make you feel more secure and connected. Support groups are a great source of support, and the American Cancer Society and National Cancer Institute have several information about them on their websites.