When it comes to diagnosing liver cancer, early detection is essential. However, there are several signs and symptoms you should look for. Liver cancer symptoms are quite similar to those of other types of cancer. If you notice one of these signs or if you suspect that you may have cancer, it is time to visit a doctor. To learn more about the signs and symptoms of liver cancer, keep reading. Listed below are some of the most common signs and symptoms of liver cancer.
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Your doctor may order more tests to determine the stage of your cancer and your overall health. These tests may include bone scans and examinations of your stomach, bowel, or breasts. He or she may also perform a surgical procedure called a laparoscopy to see your liver. Your doctor will coordinate your care with specialists and determine the appropriate treatment options for your unique situation. Treatment options for liver cancer depend on your age, health history, and overall prognosis.
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Some symptoms of liver cancer include pain in the right upper quadrant and bleeding from the ribcage. Liver enlargement is another symptom. Liver enlargement is a sign of cirrhosis, a condition in which the liver shrinks. Other symptoms include a change in mood, portal hypertension, or hemorrhoids. However, it is important to see a physician if you notice any of these symptoms or have any other signs of liver cancer.
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A doctor may suggest that your doctor should order blood tests. He or she will measure your blood’s alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels. A high level of AFP may be indicative of liver cancer, although an elevated AFP level can also be an indicator of non-cancerous conditions. Your physician will also check liver function tests, which measure substances released from your liver. If these blood tests reveal abnormal liver function, it may be necessary to undergo further tests.
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Although there are many signs of liver cancer, they are not the same as those of other types of cancer. Primary liver cancer affects different areas of the liver and involves several types of cells in the liver. Primary liver cancers are called hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and originate in the main cells of the liver – hepatocytes. People who develop primary liver cancer usually have an ongoing condition of the liver.
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Early symptoms of liver cancer can be difficult to detect. Sometimes, the disease may not present any symptoms at all. The symptoms of liver cancer will appear when the tumor is large and causes changes to the body. The tumour may block bile ducts or cause other complications. Sometimes the symptoms of liver cancer can mimic other illnesses, which is why it is so important to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Once diagnosed, patients will have a better chance of beating the disease.
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Ablation is another treatment for controlling symptoms of liver cancer while awaiting a liver transplant. Ablation therapies work by using alcohol or heat to destroy cancer cells. In some cases, ablation can shrink the tumour, so it can be removed surgically. However, this treatment is limited and may not be right for you. Some people are unable to receive a liver transplant. They may be eligible for chemotherapy drugs. These treatments may not cure the cancer, but they can help control the symptoms.
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As with any other type of cancer, liver cancer symptoms are often vague and unpredictable. It is important to seek medical advice if you notice any of these symptoms. Although the disease is very rare, it can be hard to treat once it has spread to other parts of the body. The best treatment for liver cancer depends on the stage and type of the disease. If it is caught early enough, surgery or radiation may be recommended. If not, the patient may need liver transplant.
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If the cancer has spread to the liver, the doctor may consider surgery to remove the affected portion of the liver. This procedure may be partial or complete depending on the location of the tumours. The procedure may involve two stages. One stage involves surgical removal of the tumour and the second involves the replacement of healthy tissue. In either case, the remaining liver tissue will grow back to normal size over a few months. Depending on the stage of the cancer, the surgery may involve more than one operation.