If you’re experiencing any of these Liver Cancer Symptoms, you’re probably concerned about your liver. This organ is responsible for producing certain enzymes and hormones that can cause problems in the digestive system. If the liver cancer is advanced, you can experience unintentional weight loss, excessive gas and vomiting, and an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth. Liver cancer also exerts pressure on nearby organs. Left lobe cancer can push on the stomach and cause symptoms such as early satiety, nausea, and upper abdominal discomfort.
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Many liver cancer symptoms may be caused by benign infections or tumors that are clogging the bile duct. But as the tumor grows and the disease progresses, the symptoms will intensify and the patient should seek medical attention. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, consult your doctor to determine whether your condition is cancerous. Pain in the abdominal area is one of the first signs of advanced liver cancer, as well as enlarged liver. The pain may indicate that the cancer has spread to other organs.
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Fortunately, most cases of liver cancer do not have obvious symptoms, so early detection is vital. Early detection and treatment of liver cancer can lead to a better outcome and a better quality of life. To determine if you have liver cancer, you should consult with a physician. The earlier you discover the problem, the better chance you’ll have of beating the disease and living a happy, healthy life. If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, speak to your physician right away.
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Liver cancer may be diagnosed through biopsy. In a biopsy, a small piece of liver tissue is removed, where a pathologist looks for the presence of cancer cells. The biopsy can be guided by CT scan, MRI, or ultrasound scans. Laparoscopy is another procedure that allows your doctor to view different parts of your abdomen. A biopsy is the most reliable way to confirm a diagnosis of liver cancer.
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The most common type of liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma. It can manifest as small cancerous nodules throughout the liver. Patients with cirrhosis are more likely to develop hepatocellular carcinoma than people without it. Asymptomatic cirrhosis is usually the first sign of liver cancer, but it may appear as any number of other symptoms. It is important to visit your doctor to get a full diagnosis, so that your physician can monitor any changes you may be experiencing in your health.
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The first step in the diagnosis of liver cancer is to assess your medical history. Symptoms that may indicate the presence of liver cancer include yellow in the white of the eye or abdominal swelling. A physical exam is also necessary to confirm the diagnosis. If these symptoms are present, a doctor may recommend an imaging test called an abdominal CT scan. During this scan, your doctor will examine you thoroughly and ask you about any medical history. During the examination, your doctor will pay particular attention to the presence of yellow in the eye whites. Liver cancer can also be detected by a blood test called CA 19-9.
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If you’ve been drinking alcohol in excess for an extended period of time, you may also be at risk of developing liver cancer. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to irreversible damage to your liver. Therefore, it’s important to control the amount you drink. While women should aim to limit alcohol consumption, men should limit their alcohol intake to two drinks daily. If you’ve already been diagnosed with liver cancer, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider to get the necessary tests and preventative measures.
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If your doctor suspects liver cancer, you may be offered a biopsy. The biopsy involves removing a small portion of the cancerous tissue around the liver. This allows the doctor to examine the tissue and detect any cancer cells. If you’re able to have a small tumor, you may be able to get a liver transplant. Alternatively, you may have to undergo a surgical procedure called a liver transplant.
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Ablation therapy, also known as trans-arterial embolization, uses medications to reduce tumor growth and block blood flow to the liver. This technique can cause severe side effects, though it spares the healthy liver tissue. The patient may also undergo radiation therapy. This form of treatment can kill the cancer cells while causing nausea, fatigue, and vomiting. The other treatment option is chemotherapy. Chemotherapy involves injecting drugs into the bloodstream or directly into the tumor.