Liver cancer can present itself with no obvious symptoms. Most people are unaware of their disease until an incidental scan reveals a tumor in the liver. Abdominal ultrasound, CT scan, and MRI are diagnostic tests for liver cancer. The presence of any of these symptoms should be a cause for concern, since they could be signs of another condition. Here are some signs of liver cancer that might be a sign of the disease:
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A tumor forms when cells multiply excessively. There are benign and malignant liver tumors. Hepatocellular adenomas can be noncancerous and may not need treatment. Liver hemangiomas, a mass of abnormal blood vessels, may need surgery to remove. Liver hemangiomas may not cause any symptoms, but larger ones may necessitate surgery. If your liver is filled with tumors, you should contact your doctor for a diagnosis.
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Bleeding is another symptom of liver cancer. Blood clotting factors are decreased in the body due to liver cancer. This can lead to bleeding and anemia. The first signs of liver cancer are frequent nosebleeds and bleeding during brushing teeth. Liver cancer can also cause internal hemorrhage, which can lead to death. Liver cancer is a serious health condition, so it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible.
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Radiation therapy, meanwhile, uses high-energy rays to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy uses anticancer drugs to kill the cells that have spread throughout the body. In addition to radiation therapy, patients may receive chemotherapy drugs to help control liver cancer symptoms. If radiation therapy does not work, they may have to undergo surgery to remove the cancerous tissue. However, the tumor must be small and confined to the liver.
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A liver transplant may be a treatment option for people with the disease. This treatment can be very effective if it’s caught early. If it’s too late, however, a patient may need to undergo chemotherapy to stop the cancer from spreading further. Additionally, chemotherapy can help control the symptoms while awaiting a liver transplant. For those who are too sick to undergo a liver transplant, ablation may be a good option.
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A physician will first look at the tumor’s size and location to assess whether or not it has spread throughout the body. Stage 1 is the earliest stage, and is typically characterized by multiple small tumors that have not spread beyond the liver. Stage two is considered intermediate, and stage three is considered advanced. In the latter stages, the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, lungs, and bones. While surgery is not a cure, it is a viable option in treating some types of liver cancer.
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In addition to the diagnostic tests, liver cancer is usually diagnosed through biopsy. The biopsy process involves removing a piece of liver tissue. The sample is then examined by a pathologist to determine the extent and spread of cancer cells. Depending on the stage of the cancer and the type of treatment chosen, a biopsy may be necessary to determine the cause of the disease. If the cancer has spread beyond the liver, further tests may be needed to determine the cause of the symptoms.
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If you have any of the risk factors for liver cancer, you may already be experiencing some of these symptoms. However, it’s important to consult your doctor if you develop any of these symptoms. In some cases, liver cancer is the result of the progression of a secondary disease, such as metabolic syndrome. Your doctor may want to test the liver with a laparoscope to see if the tumor is cancerous.
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In addition to experiencing the above symptoms, liver cancer patients should try to quit smoking and limit their intake of alcohol. They can recommend services and programs to help them quit these unhealthy habits. In addition to cutting down on alcohol consumption, you should try to eat a healthy diet and engage in regular physical activity. Depending on your particular symptoms, it might be difficult to exercise, so your healthcare provider can suggest ways you can get the necessary nutrients.
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In addition to avoiding the risk factors above, you should also avoid excessive alcohol and other drugs. Hepatitis B and C are also risk factors. Getting vaccinated against hepatitis B and C is also essential. If you live in close quarters with people who have these diseases, you should also talk to your doctor about screening for hepatitis. This will help prevent the onset of any liver cancer symptoms.