Pain under the breast bone above stomach can be scary, but it is usually not a sign of heart disease. However, it is important to rule out a life-threatening problem when you have pain in this area because the organs located there are very sensitive. The earlier this pain is identified, the better.
There are several things that can cause pain under the breast bone in the upper left abdomen, including gastritis, gallbladder disease and pancreatitis. These are all common conditions that can affect people of all ages and lifestyles. The type of pain you have and the other symptoms you have will help doctors determine which condition is causing your pain.
The ribs are the bones that wrap around your chest and connect your breastbone to your spine. Ribs have ligaments that help them stay in place, but if you are very active or if you are overweight, the ligaments can loosen and allow the ribs to move a little more than normal. This can cause the ribs to hit against your stomach or your diaphragm, which can lead to pain.
Inflammation of the chest wall, which is called costochondritis, can also trigger a stabbing pain that’s often mistaken for a heart attack. This is a common condition, particularly in children and young adults. It can be caused by injury to the chest, growth spurts or even bad posture. It can occur with other symptoms, like sweating, shortness of breath and light-headedness. This condition is treatable, and over-the-counter ibuprofen or naproxen can help relieve the pain.

If you have stomach cancer, it can cause a pain under your breast bone in the upper left abdomen. This type of pain is often accompanied by a feeling that you have to belch frequently. It is important to see a doctor if you have this type of pain, because it can be a sign of severe problems with your stomach or lungs.
Some other causes of pain under the breast bone in the upper left abdominal area include indigestion and acid reflux, which can be very painful and make you feel sick. Over-the-counter antacids can be helpful, and your doctor can prescribe medications to reduce the amount of acid you produce. Pain under the left breast can also be a sign of gallbladder disease, which can be triggered by eating fatty foods, drinking too much alcohol or having a hernia. In some cases, gallbladder disease can be prevented by reducing the amount of fat you eat and by exercising regularly. In most cases, gallbladder disease is treatable with a combination of surgery and medication. The best way to prevent gallbladder disease is to eat healthy, exercise and avoid smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.