Depression is a complex condition with many different symptoms, ranging from feelings of sadness to loss of interest in things. It can also affect a person’s appetite and physical health. In severe cases, a person may think of suicide or self-harm. It can interfere with daily life and work. While the symptoms vary from person to person, it can help to recognize them if they’re present. A friend or loved one can also help to recognize the signs of depression.
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If you think you may be suffering from depression, it’s important to seek help from a qualified professional. Talk to your primary care physician and ask about possible depression treatment options. Your physician may recommend medication that can help you deal with the symptoms. It’s also important to discuss depression with a mental health professional, especially if it’s a severe condition.
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Although it’s difficult to diagnose depression, it is very treatable. Around 80% to 90% of people will respond to treatment and experience relief from their symptoms. Before starting treatment, a qualified health care professional will do a comprehensive evaluation, which includes a physical examination and an interview with the patient. Blood tests may also be performed to rule out any medical conditions that may be causing the symptoms. If you suspect you may be suffering from depression, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.
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The symptoms of depression can include lifelessness, restlessness, anger, and an increased sense of sadness. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, a doctor can treat depression as a health condition or a mood disorder. By understanding the causes and the signs of depression, you can begin the journey to recovery.
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A healthcare provider can diagnose depression by asking questions about your mental health history and asking about your symptoms. He or she may prescribe an antidepressant or other treatment that will help you cope with the symptoms. It is important to seek treatment as early as possible as depression is a serious illness, but fortunately, it is treatable.
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People with certain medical conditions are more likely to develop depression. People with substance abuse problems are also at a higher risk of developing depression. It’s important to understand that depression can affect anyone, including children. People with low self-esteem or high stress levels have higher risk of developing depression. It may run in the family, but this is not always the case.
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Major depressive disorder is a mood disorder that affects feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. People with this condition experience persistent sadness and lack of interest in activities. It can affect a person’s ability to function in their daily activities and can even interfere with their work performance. People with depression may also require long-term treatment, although most people can get better with medication and psychotherapy.
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In addition to taking antidepressants, people with depression may want to engage in activities that help them feel good. They may want to start caring for their pets, take up a new hobby, or get out and interact with other people. This activity can help them feel better and get back to their lives.
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A primary care provider or mental health practitioner may recommend psychotherapy to treat depression. During this therapy, a person can openly express their thoughts and feelings and receive feedback from a third party. Depending on the severity of their depression, therapy may be a few weeks or months, or it could take as long as 15 sessions. Some people experience significant improvements after undergoing therapy.
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There are many factors that can increase the risk of depression. A person’s personality, genetics, and family history all play a role in the risk of depression. A person may also be more prone to depression if they are more stressed than they should be. Also, a person’s coping skills may make them more prone to depression.
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Generally speaking, depression affects men and women of all ages. Young adults experience mild and moderate depression symptoms more often than older adults. Older adults with physical health problems are less likely to experience severe symptoms of depression. Additionally, women are twice as likely to develop depression as men, and they’re more likely to report past attempts at suicide. Moreover, they are more likely to have eating disorders and physical complaints than men.
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The majority of Americans have symptoms of depression at some point in their lives. One study found that nearly 7% of U.S. adults experience an episode of depression in their lifetime. Studies have also shown that depression can alter the brain’s neurotransmitters, which send messages between nerve cells. Further, it can cause physical changes, such as reduced grey matter volume and increased inflammation.
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