Depression can be a debilitating mental health condition. It can affect a person’s ability to think, concentrate, and make decisions. It also affects a person’s memory. The symptoms of depression can make a person feel hopeless, angry, and restless. Understanding the causes of depression can help a person overcome it.
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The causes of depression are varied, including life changes or traumatic events. For example, someone who is ill might become depressed due to the stress. Another cause is financial problems. A breakup with a significant other can cause a person to feel depressed. People who drink or use recreational drugs may also become depressed. Age is also a risk factor. People who live in stressful situations are more likely to suffer from depression.
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Treatment of depression may involve lifestyle changes, talking therapies, and medication. Treatment for depression depends on the severity of the symptoms and the cause. The mildest cases may only require a watchful waiting period and lifestyle changes. Taking part in self-help groups may also be helpful. The aim of therapy is to reduce the symptoms of depression as much as possible.
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Once you’ve been diagnosed, a health care provider will examine your symptoms and take a mental health history. Then, the health care provider will discuss possible treatments with you. A combination of medications, psychotherapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy is the most common treatment for depression. If the symptoms persist after you’ve been diagnosed, you should see a mental health professional immediately. Your health care provider will conduct a mental health assessment to rule out any other underlying medical problems. He or she may recommend a therapy based on the results.
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Some people develop depression because of a stressful experience. A stressful event may cause a person to lose interest in activities that they once enjoyed. Their depression symptoms can last weeks or even months, and can interfere with their work and social lives. These symptoms often come on slowly, and a friend or family member may notice them before a doctor can notice any changes.
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Although there’s no specific test that can diagnose depression, blood tests and urine tests can rule out other medical conditions. Depression can develop in any age, and a physician can determine if the symptoms are due to a serious underlying problem. The doctor will also ask about any traumatic experiences that have happened recently.
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Studies have shown that one in five adults have experienced depression symptoms within the last two weeks. Of those, adults aged 18-29 were the most likely to experience mild or moderate symptoms. A smaller percentage of adults aged 45-64 experienced moderate or severe symptoms. The majority of adults aged 65+ did not exhibit any symptoms.
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Major depression is a serious mood disorder that can interfere with a person’s ability to function in their daily life. It is the most common cause of disability worldwide. It can damage relationships and make it difficult to work or maintain good health. It can even lead to suicide. Nearly 40,000 Americans take their own lives each year.
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