Undescended testicle symptoms can be caused by a number of different factors. Some of these factors include genetics, a mother’s health, and exposure to chemicals in the environment. Depending on the underlying cause, treatment may include hormones or surgery. A treatment plan should be discussed with your child’s doctor. Surgical procedures can help reduce the risk of complications.
An undescended testicle is usually found in boys during the first few months of their life. However, the condition is rare in grown men. It is most common in infants and prematurely born babies. When an undescended testicle is discovered in a boy, he should be treated right away.
Testicles develop in the back of the abdomen during fetal development. They are bean-size in children and walnut-sized in adults. The spermatic cord is a tube that connects the semen to the penis. The spermatic cord contains blood vessels and nerves. If the cord is twisted or torn, the testicle is unable to function properly. In these cases, surgery is often the best way to correct the problem.
Having an undescended testicle can lead to a number of problems, including fertility issues and even testicular cancer. Treatment can be administered in a variety of ways, but the most effective way is to have the testicle moved into the scrotum. This will not only allow you to check the testicle, but it will also reduce the risk of testicular cancer later in life.

Hormones can be used to stimulate the natural descent of the testicle. Although these medications can be effective, they can have side effects. One of the most common medications prescribed for undescended testes is human chorionic gonadotropin. Other options for treating the condition include a laparoscopic procedure, a scrotal incision, or an open surgery.
The risk of testicular cancer is higher for testicles located in the groin or abdomen. However, an untreated undescended testicle may be more likely to cause abnormal testicle development. Since testicular cancer is often diagnosed in cells that produce immature sperm, it is important to have an undescended testicle checked as early as possible.
The most common symptom of an undescended testicle is not being able to see the testicle. It looks flat and will feel hot. While the majority of testicles will correct themselves, the condition can be a problem later in life. To prevent this, it is important to consult a urologist or pediatric urologist right away. You will be given the opportunity to perform self-exams, which will allow you to monitor the progress of the condition.
Treatment of an undescended testicle should begin before your child’s first birthday. In addition to lifestyle changes, your child will need to have regular check-ups with his doctor to detect any new problems. Besides discussing treatment options, it is important for your child to learn about the normal anatomy of the testicle and how to cope with embarrassing situations.
The main treatment for an undescended testicle is conservative. However, the condition can be repaired through a procedure known as orchiopexy, which is most commonly performed in boys with a single descending testicle.