What are the Liver Cancer Symptoms? Liver cancer is a type of cancer that usually doesn’t produce any symptoms, but is sometimes detected through scans during other procedures. In many cases, the disease is diagnosed incidentally during a CT scan or ultrasound, or on another internal organ. Patients who show any symptoms of the disease should contact their doctor immediately. The sooner they get diagnosed, the better the chances of a successful cure.
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While the first signs of liver cancer may be subtle, symptoms can become more severe as the cancer progresses. Symptoms may include pain, rash, or elevated pulse. While many of these signs may be associated with other illnesses, they may signal a larger problem. Liver cancer can be detected early through screening programs. Symptoms of liver cancer can mimic symptoms of other diseases, so it’s important to find out what these are and how to treat them.
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When cancer spreads from another part of the body to the liver, it’s known as metastatic cancer. Metastatic cancer begins in another organ but spreads to other parts of the body. The colon cancer, for example, is a type of metastatic cancer. It begins in the colon, but has spread to other parts of the body, including the liver. The liver’s primary function is to digest fats and remove waste products, but when cancer spreads to other organs, it can cause severe damage.
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The treatment of liver cancer varies, depending on the type of cancer. Surgery is the most common type of treatment, and is called a partial hepatectomy. In this procedure, the cancerous portion of the liver is removed, but healthy tissue surrounding the tumour is left behind. Different types of liver resection are used for different types of liver cancer, so a patient must talk to their doctor about the procedure they need.
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If liver cancer is suspected, a biopsy is performed to determine if it is the actual cause. A biopsy is performed by taking a small sample of tissue and sending it to a pathologist for diagnosis. Alternatively, a surgeon will insert a long flexible tube with a camera into the abdomen to examine the liver. The results of this procedure will determine the stage of the disease. If the cancer is secondary to another condition, further tests may be required to determine the exact cause.
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Some advanced forms of the disease may also produce symptoms. Patients may experience fever, nausea, vomiting, and general weakness. In addition to the above symptoms, a patient may develop skin lesions. Patients with advanced liver cancer may experience fever, mental confusion, and a loss of sexual drive. Some people may also experience pain in the left side of their abdomen, especially in the lower back. This pain can also occur under the right shoulder blade.
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Apart from identifying the symptoms of liver cancer, the next step is to stop smoking and reducing alcohol intake. You should also consider getting regular screenings if you have chronic health conditions that increase your risk for liver cancer. A proper diet is crucial and a nutritionist can help you with dietary advice. However, getting enough rest and physical activity can be challenging during these times. However, a balanced diet can help you cope with the fatigue and other symptoms of liver cancer.
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The disease is caused by mutations in DNA that cause liver cells to grow uncontrollably. This causes the cells to swell and form tumors. Sometimes, people with no underlying health conditions may develop this type of cancer. Often, the cause of liver cancer is unknown, but chronic hepatitis infections have been linked to a higher risk. However, if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, it’s time to seek treatment.
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Treatment for liver cancer includes surgery and chemotherapy. Chemotherapy involves injecting certain drugs into the hepatic artery. The cancer cells are starved of oxygen and nutrients through the artery. Chemotherapy can also be delivered through the hepatic artery through the catheter. The treatment can be either outpatient or inpatient. The main goal of treatment is to reduce cancer cell growth. A surgeon may use a biopsy to confirm the presence of cancer cells.