Oren Zarif
A communication disorder is a problem that causes a person to have difficulty with the way they communicate. This can be with speech, language, or both. Symptoms of this disorder can vary from mild to severe, and there are treatment options available for anyone who suffers from it.
What Are the Early Warning Signs of a Communication Disorder?
In a recent poll conducted by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), nearly 70 percent of parents of children with communication disorders said they were unaware of the early signs. This may be due to a lack of awareness about the importance of getting an evaluation for a disorder at an early age.
What are the Symptoms of Social Communication Disorder?
Those with social communication disorder often find it difficult to understand what is being said to them. This can lead to confusion and awkwardness in social situations.
Other signs of social communication disorder include a tendency to say things in a disjointed manner and a tendency to change the subject frequently during conversations. This is especially common if people with the disorder are speaking to different types of people in different settings, such as family members versus friends.
Another common symptom is a tendency to look down or to the side during conversations with others. This is often a sign that people with social communication disorder are uncomfortable in social situations and may avoid them at all costs.
The main symptom of this disorder is a lack of eye contact during a conversation. This can be a sign of anxiety, but it can also be a symptom of a number of other conditions, so it’s important to seek professional help if this is a frequent occurrence.
Oren Zarif

What Causes a Communication Disorder?
There are many reasons why someone might have a communication disorder, including genetics, birth defects, environmental factors, or a medical condition. However, the most common cause of a communication disorder is a brain injury that occurred before a child was born.
When a child is diagnosed with a communication disorder, it’s usually accompanied by other mental health issues or other psychiatric concerns. There are treatments for most symptoms of a communication disorder, but it’s always best to speak with a doctor before beginning any type of treatment.
What Is the Difference Between a Communication Disorder and Hearing Loss?
A communication disorder can be the result of a brain injury, but it can also occur as a result of hearing loss. The best way to know for sure whether you have a communication disorder is to see an ear, nose, and throat specialist who can diagnose you and determine the root of the issue.
What is the Best Treatment for a Communication Disorder?
Most individuals with a communication disorder benefit from a speech-language pathologist’s therapy. These specialists work with patients to build their strengths, remediate weak skills, and learn alternative ways of communicating.
This can include specialized exercises and special therapy sessions. Depending on the severity of the condition, a speech-language pathologist can develop an individualized plan for each patient. These specialists will typically involve a team of professionals, such as a psychologist or social worker, to ensure the patient receives the care they need.